The PYP offers an inquiry-based, transdisciplinary curriculum framework that builds conceptual understanding. It is a student-centered approach to education and it reflects the best of educational research, thought, leadership and experience derived from IB World Schools.
Important PYP Information
Common Room
PYP Leadership Team
Curriculum Framework
How the PYP Works
Key Facts about PYP
PYP Social Media

The PYP has evolved to become a world leader in future-focused education. The PYP is an example of best educational practice globally, responding to the challenges and opportunities facing young students in our rapidly changing world. The PYP curriculum recognizes learners’ innate potential to inquire, question, wonder and theorize about themselves, others, and the world around them. This understanding of how students learn is foundational to the inquiry-based and concept-driven transdisciplinary model of learning and teaching.
The IB PYP is a programme that lets children develop as global citizens and lifelong learners who grow up to make a positive change in the world. Learning is inquiry-based and a product of their thorough investigation. Students get inspired, they ask questions, they research, they think critically, they reflect in order to construct their knowledge.
The PYP addresses not only the academic but also the social and emotional wellbeing of a student. The IB Learner Profile is a set of attributes that we all try to nurture at ISOP. We strive to be :

We create an environment in which learning may occur anytime and anywhere, both in real and virtual spaces, inside and outside the programme of inquiry. In most cases there is no clear division into subjects. At each grade level, students inquire into six transdisciplinary Units of Inquiry, focusing on global issues that go across, between and beyond subject areas:
- Sharing the Planet
- Who we are
- Where we are in place and time
- How we express ourselves
- How the world works
- How we organize ourselves
Early Years
Experiences during the early years lay the foundation for future learning in every aspect of the child’s life: social, emotional and cognitive. Inquiring through play in the kindergarten at ISOP supports the PYP approach, in which learning is an active process. Children respond to it with curiosity, imagination, creativity and agency. Through this active inquiry process, they naturally develop language ability and become independent, self-regulated learners.
The ISOP PYP Classroom
The environment plays such a vital role in the PYP program that it is often referred to as the “third teacher.” Each PYP classroom at ISOP is equipped with an interactive board and a lot of displays where students showcase their works – both completed and in-progress. This sparks new creative ideas of the learners and encourages the process of inquiry, action and reflection.
Fun Times
Here at ISOP we are of the firm belief that fun activities and play have invaluable mental, social and emotional benefits in the development of young minds. When children are given time to play and create fun activities, they experience growth in memory, expressive language, and communicating skills. Playtime is also linked to learning readiness which makes the students feel more engaged and prepared in class. Best of all, play and fun activities give children the opportunity to think creatively and to broaden their imagination.

The ISOP Library
All PYP roads pass through the Library. The Library is a resourses hub and it supports students in every step of their inquiry process. One of the key roles when working with young children is to promote a love of reading. Teachers here at ISOP work diligently to ensure that your children are exposed to appropriate material and interact with their imagination through reading.
At the end of each year, PYP students present their inquiries to family members during Student-Led Conferences. To mark the end of PYP, G5 students host the PYP Exhibition which is the culminating point of their journey through PYP. It is a process of the students’ own inquiry in which they get to showcase all the learning and who they have become as learners. The PYP Exhibition is a time when we as the entire School Community celeberate learning and who we are as learners. The Exhibition focuses on the process, thinking skills, independence, team work and taking action.
PYP Graduation
After an eventful journey that nurtures their innate curiousity, builds skills, competencies and self-confidence, the PYP student is now ready to move a notch onto the ISOP Middle School. We celeberate this time to recognize the efforts and work done by the students and award each PYP Graduate with their official PYP Certificate.

Our PYP Teachers
In the PYP, our students are empowered to have a voice and choice in the classroom. The program allows them to be the owners of their learning. We, as teachers, do not demonstrate ourselves as the only source of knowledge. Students learn to inquire, i.e. to look for information and reflect upon it, in a variety of ways using many resources available to them.
PYP Leadership Team

Ms.Aneta Zbucka
Primary School Principal
“I am happy that my career has led me to a point where I can combine my interest in education, leadership and different cultures. I believe in education that puts children at the centre of their learning and fosters positive values and attitudes. I am privileged to see our students on daily basis – the walking evidence that our work here at ISOP does pay off.”

Ms. Małgorzata Pyda
PYP Coordinator
“I am passionate about the holistic nature of the program and feel proud to lead the group of qualified and passionate teachers at ISOP. I believe that our job, as educators, is not to prepare students for something. Our job is to help them prepare themselves for anything.”
PYP Support Staff
The ones that make our PYP work smoothly

Ms. Patrycja Brodziak
You will get to know to know me early in the admission process. I will also be there to guide you as your child transitions through the PYP grades and on to Middle School. If it has to do with PYP paperwork or any other administrative issue, please contact me.

Ms. Katarzyna Milejczak
“Sooner or later most ISOP kids do pass by my office. It might just be a band-aid on a bruise, a runny nose, or a belly ache. I am here to help all students and to provide medical first aid. I am the ISOP Nurse and have seen it all.”