
We are glad that you are considering applying to the International School of Poznan, we welcome applications from all families who support our education philosophy.
You will find all admission related information right here on this page, however, we are happy to take your call or welcome you at our school with prior notice.

Ms. Agnieszka Hibner

MS, HS, DP Admissions

Ms. Patrycja Brodziak

PYP Admissions

Admissions Support Staff

You can reach us during School hours by calling +48 61 646 3760 or you can send us an email at

For further information you may click on the links below

PYP Kindergarten K1, K2, G1

PYP Grades G2 to G5

Middle School Grades G6 to G8

High School Grades 0, HS1, HS2

Diploma Programme Grades DP1, DP2

Important Information

For many of you, this may be the very first time you are going through an application process for your child. The process is quite straightforward and we are here for your assistance should you require any help or information. For more detailed information please refer to the Q&A page and a short video presentation.

Applications submitted by January 31st for the upcoming school year are reviewed in February and March.
Applications submitted after this date are usually put on a waiting list and only reviewed if space is available  (an additional application fee might be applicable in certain special cases). 

Age requirements for PYP Admissions

Academic Year 2024 – 2025
For admission to K1, we accept applications of children born in 2020
For admission to K2, we accept applications of children born in 2019
For admission to G1, we accept applications of children born in 2018

Academic Year 2025 – 2026
For admission to K1, we accept applications of children born in 2021
For admission to K2, we accept applications of children born in 2020
For admission to G1, we accept applications of children born in 2019

Application Form

It all starts with an application form. This form may seem long and detailed but it is important that we get as much pertinent information from you as possible right at the very onset.

PYP Application Form

Please send the fully completed form signed by both Parents/Legal Guardians to

Application Review Process

Once we have received the application form and supporting documents (if applicable), the file will be reviewed and fully completed applications are forwarded to the ISoP Admissions Team.

The review process for K1-K2 & G1 starts in February.

During the review process :
Parents will be asked to provide additional information about their child
Parents will be invited for a meeting with the Admissions Team
Children shortlisted for enrollment to G1 will meet with the school’s psychologist for a G1 readiness assessment.

Most applicants should expect to receive a decision from the Admission Team by the end of March.

Admission and Confirmation

Once the decision regarding your application has been made, you will be notified by the Admissions Office via email. In the event your child has been accepted to ISoP, you will be directed to pay the Enrollment Fee after which you will receive the School Contract. After the Enrollment Fee is paid and the School Contract is returned duly signed by the given deadline, the admission process is complete and your child will then be admitted to ISoP.

Important Information

Enrollment for classes G2-G5 in the PYP is based on availability of space and merit of the applicant. It is important to note that for admission to above grades, an appropriate level of English proficiency is required. Parents interested in enrolling their children are requested to submit the applications as early as possible.
Our Admissions Team will make every effort to review the documents and revert back to you within 15 days of receipt of the application. You will then be notified:

a) a space is available in your desired grade level and we are ready to begin the review process. English and Math proficiency tests are required prior to decision about admission, or
b) no space is available in your desired grade level at present and your application is being placed on the waiting list.

To learn more about our school, we invite you to see a short video presentation prepared for new parents.

Application Form

It all starts with an application form. This form may seem long and detailed but it is important that we get as much pertinent information from you as possible right at the very onset.

PYP Application Form

Please send the fully completed form signed by both Parents/Legal Guardians along with supporting documents (e.g prior school records) to

Application Review Process

Once we have received the application form and supporting documents (e.g. prior school records), the file will be reviewed and only fully completed applications will be forwarded to the ISoP Admissions Team. (Please note that an Application Review Fee may apply, which will be credited towards the Enrollment Fee.)

During the review process:
Parents may be asked to provide additional information about their child.
Parents may be invited to a meeting with the Admissions Team.
Applicants will have to take a test to assess their proficiency in English and Math.

The length of the review process varies greatly and is usually dependent on the availability of the applicant. Most applicants should expect to receive a decision from the Admissions Team no later than 15 days after the placement tests.

Admission and Confirmation

Once the decision regarding your application has been made, you will be notified by the Admissions Office via email. In the event your child has been accepted to ISoP, you will be directed to pay the Enrollment Fee after which you will receive the School Contract. After the Enrollment Fee is paid and the School Contract is returned duly signed by the given deadline, the admission process is complete and your child will then be admitted to ISoP.

Important Information

Enrollment for classes G6 to G8 in the Middle School is based on availability of space and merit of the applicant. It is important to note that for admission to above grades, an appropriate level of English proficiency is required. Parents interested in enrolling their children to G6, G7 or G8 are requested to submit the applications as early as possible.
Our Admissions Team will make every effort to review the documents and revert back to you within 15 days of receipt of the application. You will then be notified:a) A space is available in your desired grade level and we are ready to begin the review process. English and Math proficiency tests may be required prior to admission, or
b) No space is available in your desired grade level at present and your application is being placed on the waiting list.

Application Form

It all starts with an application form. This form may seem long and detailed but it is important that we get as much pertinent information from you as possible right at the very onset.

MS Application Form

Please send the fully completed form signed by both Parents/Legal Guardians to

Application Review Process

Your application will be processed and evaluated by the Admissions Team and the Middle School Leadership Team. You will be notified of any meetings or proficiency tests that may be required. Because of the unique nature of applicantions to the Middle School the duration for the evaluation varies greatly from applicant to applicant.

Regular enrollment period is from April to May for the upcoming School Year. For applications that are outside this period, an Application Review Fee will apply, which will be credited towards the Enrollment Fee.

Admission and Confirmation

Once the decision regarding your application has been made, you will be notified by the Admissions Office via email. In the event your child has been accepted to ISoP, you will be directed to pay the Enrollment Fee after which you will receive the School Contract. After the Enrollment Fee is paid and the School Contract is returned duly signed by the given deadline, the admission process is complete and your child will then be admitted to ISoP.

Important Information

Open House – Saturday, May 11, 2024. Time – 9.30 am to 11.30 am.

All International applicants to HS are required to complete the HS application form and send it to International HS applications are reviewed individually.

For all Polish applicants, the application process is outlined below:

Wymagane dokumenty rekrutacyjne do klasy wstępnej HS0 i do klasy pierwszej HS1:

  1. aplikacja podpisana przez obojga Rodziców/ Opiekunów prawnych
  2. skan świadectwa ukończenia klasy VII szkoły podstawowej
  3. wypis ocen na I semestr klasy VIII roku szkolnego 2023/2024
  4. list motywacyjny napisany przez kandydata

Dokumenty należy przesłać mailowo na adres:

Przebieg rekrutacji:

    – By Friday, May 17, 2024, submission of documents required by the school:
  1. application form
  2. seventh grade report card
  3. current school year first semester grades
  4. motivation letter – Why should I be an ISoP student?

– May 20-29, 2024, individual interviews with candidates
– June 7, 2024 – decision on admission:

    – By Friday, May 17, 2024, submission of documents required by the school:
  1. application form
  2. seventh grade report card
  3. current school year first semester grades
  4. motivation letter – Why should I  be an ISoP student?

– June 03-05, 2024 – Two-stage English exam:
+ Oral part
+ Written part (for candidates who have successfully passed the oral part)
Fee for the exam session: PLN 300, payable to the school account (transfer description: exam, name and surname of the candidate) by May 30, 2024.

– Friday, June 7, 2024 – decision on admission to the HS1 class.

Please note that the dates above are subject to change and will be finalized by February 28, 2024.

Application Form

It all starts with an application form. This form may seem long and detailed but it is important that we get as much pertinent information from you as possible right at the very onset.

HS Application Form

Please send the fully completed form signed by both Parents/Legal Guardians to

Application Review Process

All International applications will be processed and evaluated by the Admissions Team and the High School Leadership Team. You will be notified of any meetings or proficiency tests that may be required. Because of the unique nature of applicantions to the High School the duration for the evaluation varies greatly from applicant to applicant.
For Polish Applicants the review process is explained in the “Important Information” section above.

Admission and Confirmation

Once the decision regarding your application has been made, you will be notified by the Admissions Office via email. In the event your child has been accepted to ISoP, you will be directed to pay the Enrollment Fee after which you will receive the School Contract. After the Enrollment Fee is paid and the School Contract is returned duly signed by the given deadline, the admission process is complete and your child will then be admitted to ISoP.

Important Information

Although there is no open enrollment to the Diploma Programme we do accept applications for these classes and students are admitted based on availabilty of space and merit of the applicant. Proficiency tests in certain subjects may be required.

Application Form

It all starts with an application form. This form may seem long and detailed but it is important that we get as much pertinent information from you as possible right at the very onset.

HS Application Form

Please send the fully completed form signed by both Parents/Legal Guardians to

Application Review Process

Your application will be processed and evaluated by the Admissions Team and the Diploma Programme Leadership Team. You will be notified of any meetings or proficiency tests that may be required. Because of the unique nature of applicantions to the Diploma Programme the duration for the evaluation varies greatly from applicant to applicant.

Admission and Confirmation

Once the decision regarding your application has been made, you will be notified by the Admissions Office via email. In the event your child has been accepted to ISoP, you will be directed to pay the Enrollment Fee after which you will receive the School Contract. After the Enrollment Fee is paid and the School Contract is returned duly signed by the given deadline, the admission process is complete and your child will then be admitted to ISoP.