
Diploma Programme Grades DP1, DP2

Important Information

Although there is no open enrollment to the Diploma Programme we do accept applications for these classes and students are admitted based on availabilty of space and merit of the applicant. Proficiency tests in certain subjects may be required.

Application Form

It all starts with an application form. This form may seem long and detailed but it is important that we get as much pertinent information from you as possible right at the very onset.

HS Application Form

Please send the fully completed form signed by both Parents/Legal Guardians to

Application Review Process

Your application will be processed and evaluated by the Admissions Team and the Diploma Programme Leadership Team. You will be notified of any meetings or proficiency tests that may be required. Because of the unique nature of applicantions to the Diploma Programme the duration for the evaluation varies greatly from applicant to applicant.

Admission and Confirmation

Once the decision regarding your application has been made, you will be notified by the Admissions Office via email. In the event your child has been accepted to ISoP, you will be directed to pay the Enrollment Fee after which you will receive the School Contract. After the Enrollment Fee is paid and the School Contract is returned duly signed by the given deadline, the admission process is complete and your child will then be admitted to ISoP.